Saturday, August 4, 2007

New student

Well a new home stay student has arrived for the Fall semester, Ji Zhe, from China. We got a Chinese student this time so I can practice my Chinese. He's pretty nice and friendly, he's always wanting to help with dinner and the dishes and stuff. He even tried to help me work on tiling the bathroom. I think this is because we decided to lower the price to the amount they usually pay with a shared room even though he is not sharing it, because the main point of having him is so I can practice, not so we can make money. So he's pretty grateful, probably. He's different from the Japanese students in a lot of ways. One thing thats really funny is that we had to get a new notepad for writing down words that come up in conversation that he doesn't know the meaning of. We did this with the previous home stay students who didn't know English well and it makes hilariously random "poetry" because the words are written out of context and by themselves. For example, the latest gem we made was:


See what I mean? its genius. You could never make this stuff up. So I'm going to post some of the better ones from our previous home stay students and the latest from Ji Zhe in the next post.

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